Vital Plus for dogs, cats & farm animals

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VitalPlus for dogs, cats & farm animals

100% natural and herbal "moor product"

The daily dose of health with VitalPlus for dogs, cats & farm animals.

Humic acids: 29 % in dry matter

extra information

✓ Neutral in taste and smell
✓ Natural and pure, no concentrate
✓ Free from artificial colours
✓ Free from artificial flavours
✓ Without preservatives
✓ No added sugar
✓ Fructose free
✓ Lactose free
✓ Vegan
✓ Gluten free
✓ Alcohol-free
VitalPlus for dogs, cats and farm animals is a safe, supportive nutritional supplement. It helps your pet's body to get used to new medications without affecting their effectiveness. With this nutritional supplement, you protect your pet's body from future stress. It supports your pet in fighting toxins and parasites. It contains natural oils that are produced in the decomposition process and provide your animal with important nutrients.
It helps horses with acute colic and can also be given regularly every 3-4 days to prevent colic. If colic is already present, give twice the daily ration for 3-5 days. This product should be available in every household with animals.

-Positive effects of humic acids

VitalPlus for dogs, cats and farm animals is a safe, supportive nutritional supplement. It helps your pet's body to get used to new medications without affecting their effectiveness. With this nutritional supplement, you protect your pet's body from future stress.

-Supports the immune system as well as the growth and optimal development of young animals

-Ideal for older animals or

Animals that eat grass, sand, animal droppings or wood

-Detoxifies the body and cleanses the intestines

-Protects the body from harmful substances

-Ensures good absorption of all nutrients

-Contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids

-Improves magnesium levels in the blood

-Contains natural iron and promotes fitness

-Optimization of oxygen transfer

-Accelerates muscle recovery after training

-Supports painful muscles and joints

-Ensures good restoration and care of the skin

-Has a soothing effect on skin problems

-Reduces the impact of overstressing the ankle and tendon problems

-Increases resistance

-Supports and relieves cramping sensitive abdominal organs

-Promotes general health of the stomach and intestines

-Balances the pH value in the stomach and relieves stomach discomfort

Important information:

Moor mainly contains "living" substances such as silica, enzymes, essential oils, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, pectins, resins, saponins, tannins, minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium) and trace elements (iron, copper, selenium, zinc, chromium and molybdenum). The main component is the versatile humic acid, which has a particularly beneficial effect on our body.

The moor contains rare trace elements that are often missing in our modern diet. This is due to our food, which is grown on depleted soil, transported and stored, often no longer containing the trace elements and vitamins that we actually need. It is therefore important to strengthen the intestinal flora naturally.

Natural humic acids (humic substances) are an essential component of the moor. The humic acids can bind and excrete pesticides and many other toxic components. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect on their own, which means that in the sense of a colon cleanse , it is a really great remedy and when I cleanse the colon, the liver is also less stressed, which means that for me, supporting the liver and kidneys mainly starts with the colon.

Supplementary feed for dogs and cats:

Kallisbest VitalPlus for dogs, cats and farm animals is a 100% natural and plant-based "moor product". Moor is extracted from a water source in which medicinal herbs, gases, plants, flowers and blossoms have been salinized for centuries. This deposit of nutrients, which comes from a variety of plant material, is digested on the ground to form humus, which consists of humic acid, fulvic acid, lignin, bitumen and pectin, among other things. In addition to the good properties of humic and fulvic acid, Kallisbest VitalPlus for dogs and cats contains a complex of natural minerals and trace elements. Kallisbest VitalPlus for dogs, cats and farm animals ensures optimal absorption of good nutrients and protects the body from harmful substances. The stomach and intestines are balanced and the immune system becomes strong and powerful. Kallisbest VitalPlus for dogs, cats and farm animals helps with growth and supports optimal development of your animal. In older animals, it ensures the development and maintenance of condition.

Feeding recommendation:

Administer via drinking water or food. Shake vigorously before use.

Cat: 2.5 ml daily

Dog 10-25 kg: 5-10 ml per day

Dog > 25 kg: 15 ml per day

Farm animals 0.1 - 0.2 ml per kg body weight

As a cure or as immediate relief for complaints, administer for 14 days. If used over a longer period, reduce the dose to only half the stated amount.


Protect from direct sunlight. Close tightly after use.

Wichtige Informationen: Im Moor befinden sich hauptsächlich „belebte“ Substanzen wie Kieselsäure, Enzyme, ätherische Öle, gesättigte und ungesättigte Fettsäuren, Vitamine, Pektine, Harze, Saponine, Gerbstoffe sowie Mineralstoffe (Magnesium, Kalium, Kalzium) und Spurenelemente (Eisen, Kupfer, Selen, Zink, Chrom und Molybdän). Der Hauptbestandteil ist die vielseitige Huminsäure, die auf unseren Körper besonders wohltuend wirkt. Im Moor befinden sich seltene Spurenelemente, die uns in unserer heutigen Ernährung häufig fehlen. Dies ist zurückzuführen auf unsere Lebensmittel, die durch den Anbau auf ausgelaugten Böden, durch Transportwege und Lagerung oft nicht mehr die Spurenelemente und Vitamine beinhalten, die wir eigentlich brauchen würden. Daher ist es wichtig, die Darmflora natürlich zu stärken. Natürliche Huminsäuren (Huminstoffe) sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Moores. Die Huminsäuren können die Pestizide und viele andere toxische Bestandteile binden und ausscheiden. Haben für sich alleine auch einen Anti-entzündlichen-Effekt, das heißt im Sinne einer Darmreinigung, ist das ein ganz tolles Mittel und wenn ich den Darm reinige, ist auch die Leber und in ihrer weniger belastet, das heißt auch eine Leber und Nieren Unterstützung fängt für mich hauptsächlich auch beim Darm an.





Fütterungsempfehlung: Verabreichen über das Futter, als direkte Gabe, oder über das Trinkwasser, hier bitte darauf achten, dass die Trinkwassermenge nicht zu hoch angesetzt wird, um zu gewährleisten, die zu verabreichende Tagesmenge gut aufgenommen werden kann. Vor Gebrauch kräftig schütteln. Katze: 2,5 ml täglich Hund 10-25 kg: 5-10 ml pro Tag Hund; 25 kg: 15 ml pro Tag Hoftiere  0,1 - 0,2 ml pro kg Körpergewicht Als Kur oder direkte Hilfe bei Beschwerden über 14 Tage verabreichen. Bei Anwendung über längere Zeit die Dosis auf nur die Hälfte der angegebenen Menge reduzieren.

Wichtige Informationen


Lagerung: Vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung schützen. Nach Gebrauch wieder gut verschließen.


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