Our trial package for dogs contains a variety of high-quality dog food. If one of the varieties is sold out, you will receive an identical can for the same value. You will also receive a 200 g Tolle Rolle for free when you purchase this trial package. This ensures variety at every meal + a sample of Vital Plus Elixir of Life.
While many suppliers rely on additives to save costs, add bad meat waste to the food and get away with it, the health of our four-legged friends is important to us.
Did you know that most dog foods are harmful to your dog? You usually don't even realize it yourself, because there is a lot of trickery in the industry.
The wrong food can have fatal consequences for your four-legged friend in the long term! Most problems or illnesses are caused by the wrong food.
You also want your darling to always be happy, feel comfortable and, above all, stay fit and by your side for a long time, right?
We also strive for the highest quality and live by this. Our food is 100% grain-free and/or gluten-free. It is also hypoallergenic and completely GMO-free!
We consciously avoid artificial colors, bad waste or additives. So that you can give your dog the best food with a clear conscience, we also use herbs and important probiotic bacteria to ensure that your dog's digestion always works well.
High protein content, low fat and only the highest meat meal content - you can rely on that. The most important thing: our food contains human-grade meat and only meat from free-range farming.
When you purchase this sample package, we will give you a random 500 gram bag for free!
So that you can personally convince yourself of our quality, we are offering you our Kallisbest dry food trial package exclusively at a special price!
The following products are included in the trial package:
- Meat King
- Beef with potatoes
- Chicken with Rice
- Duck with potatoes
- + random free bag
-> Bags may vary depending on availability
Are you not sure whether the food is right for your four-legged friend or do you have any questions? Then contact our friendly and competent customer service! We are happy to help you.
Unfortunately, in the feed industry, many products are falsely labelled and therefore a lot of things end up in the feed that don't actually belong there. A small example: if poultry protein is listed in the feed, it could also be that it contains beaks, feathers and feet!
Behavior when declaring fresh meat: if 70% fresh meat or meat is stated in a description or declaration, this is not pure meat. Fresh meat contains about 70% water, which is added to the meat during drying.
Explanation of ingredients:
When comparing the ingredients of feed, you should know the following small but subtle differences in the names in order to recognize which is the better feed
Meat meal : Flour from meat. It has the advantage that it hardly loses any liquid during processing. So there is hardly any difference between the raw and dry mass.
(Poultry) Protein (dried) / Animal protein (hydrolysed) : refers to the pure protein of the meat, but without the meat itself.
Animal by-products / meat by-products : Basically refers to everything that comes from an animal but is not pure meat. For example, innards, bones and fur.
Fish and fish by-products : fresh or preserved fish products of all kinds and by-products resulting from their processing.
Milk and dairy products : fresh or preserved milk products of all kinds and by-products resulting from their processing.
Egg and egg products : fresh or preserved egg products of all kinds and by-products resulting from their processing.
Helpful to harmful :
The art of balance
Cellulose is used in animal feed to reduce calories and control blood sugar levels, and sometimes to help digestion. However, this must be weighed against the overall reduction in feed digestibility, increased stool volume, and reduced intestinal fermentation. This balance must be carefully achieved, as the protein, fat, and other nutrient content usually also needs to be increased. However, the benefits of cellulose are irrelevant, as the price is increased stool volume due to the indigestible, nutritionally-less cellulose and reduced fermentation in the intestine.
You can also spare your animal the cellulose:
It is better to pay attention to the animal's weight, feed dogs and cats high-quality food and always provide cats with cat grass.
Erklärung der Inhaltsstoffe: Wenn Sie die Inhaltsstoffe von Futtermitteln vergleichen, sollten Sie die folgenden kleinen aber feinen Unterschiede der Bezeichnungen kennen, um zu erkennen welches das bessere Futter ist Fleischmehl: Mehl vom Fleisch. Es hat den Vorteil, dass es bei der Verarbeitung kaum noch Flüssigkeit verliert. Es gibt also kaum Unterschiede zwischen Roh- und Trockenmasse. (Geflügel) Protein (getrocknet) / Tierisches Eiweiß (hydrolysiert): bezeichnet das reine Protein des Fleisches, aber ohne das Fleisch selbst. Tierische Nebenerzeugnisse / Fleischnebenerzeugnisse: bezeichnet im Prinzip alles, was vom Tier stammt, aber kein reines Fleisch ist. Bspw. Innereien, Knochen und Fell. Fisch und Fischnebenerzeugnisse: frische oder haltbar gemachte Fischerzeugnisse jeder Art sowie die Nebenerzeugnisse aus ihrer Verarbeitung. Milch und Molkereierzeugnisse: frische oder haltbar gemachte Milcherzeugnisse jeder Art sowie die Nebenerzeugnisse aus ihrer Verarbeitung. Ei und Eierzeugnisse: frische oder haltbar gemachte Eiererzeugnisse jeder Art sowie die Nebenerzeugnisse aus ihrer Verarbeitung. Hilfreich bis schädlich: Cellulosepulver ist eine Faserquelle in Hundetrockenfutter mit dem niedrigsten Nährstoffgehalt überhaupt aber trotzdem ist es als Zusatz im Hundefutter erlaubt. Die offizielle Bezeichnung ist in etwa“ reinste, mechanisch hergestellte Cellulose, gewonnen aus alpha-Cellulose aus dem Fruchtfleisch von faserreichen Pflanzen., die einfache Bezeichnung aber ist Sägemehl. Die Kunst der Balance Cellulose wird in der Tierernährung eingesetzt um die Kalorien zu senken und den Blutzuckerspiegel zu kontrollieren, manchmal auch, um der Verdauung auf die Sprünge zu helfen. Allerdings muss man das abwägen gegenüber der allgemeinen Herabsetzung der Verdaulichkeit des Futters, erhöhtem Kotvolumen und einer herabgesetzten Darmfermentation. Diese Ausgewogenheit muss sehr sorgfältig geschaffen werden, denn zumeist muss dann auch der Gehalt Proteinen, Fetten und anderen Nährstoffen heraufgesetzt werden. Wie auch immer, die Vorteile der Zellulose spielen keine Rolle, denn ein erhöhtes Stuhlvolumen durch die unverdauliche, nährwertlose Zellulose und eine verringerte Fermentation im Darm sind der Preis dafür. Man kann seinem Tier die Cellulose auch ersparen: Lieber auf das Gewicht des Tieres achten, Hund und Katze mit hochwertigem Futter ernähren und Katzen immer Katzengras zur Verfügung stellen.
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